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Okay, so, there’s very exciting news below, but first, I’m going to be super honest and vulnerable and share something I’m not proud of…

I didn’t meditate, journal or read all summer. And you know what happened? I felt like I had lost connection with myself.

My vibration got very low and I started crying and having feelings of depression and anxiety for no good reason.

Luckily, I remembered that meditation has always been my cure all for when I feel stressed, sad, anxious, upset, frustrated, or cluttered.

So I started meditating again and it was super difficult. My monkey mind was so loud and I could barely sit still. I hoped meditation would be just like riding a bike and super easy to pick back up again, but it wasn’t.

I needed my boyfriend Allen as my accountability partner, and I needed to develop the habit of meditating every morning once again to pick me up and keep my vibration high.

It has only been a week and I’ve already had an incredible transformation. I’m able to sit still for 30min now, meditation is again my favorite part of my day, I’m receiving so many lessons and deepening my connection with my higher self, and bye bye stress, anxiety and low vibes.

The most awesome moment in a recent meditation was a CLEAR vision to help you develop the habit of meditation and create a way to help guide you, and hold you accountable along the way.

Which leads me to my exciting news... I am hosting #MyMeditationChallenge!

It’s a 30 day meditation that will be held from September 1st - September 30th! (Or whenever you're ready)

Here’s how it will work! I’ll give you a new meditation every Sunday on my youtube channel.

The first week we will make it simple with a 5 min meditation for you to do every day for 7 days. The second week, the meditation will be 10 min, the third week 15 min, the fourth week 20 min and the 5th week of September will be 25 min.

It would be ideal for me to see you publicly holding yourself accountable using the bubble chart in my post as well as sharing daily or even just weekly about your meditation experience with the hashtag #MyMeditationChallenge.

Please do so to help hold yourself accountable and share your experience as you inspire others to do so as well.

Since meditation has the ability to change the world, we should all do our best to get as many people participating in #MyMeditationChallenge as possible!

Here's how you can help:

1) Tag three friends on my initial Instagram post announcing the challenge that you want to do the challenge with you. Be sure to hold each other accountable throughout the month.   

2) Follow me @morgan_yonge for updates, meditation tips and inspiration.

3) Subscribe to my Youtube channel to get the guided meditations for the challenge. 

4) Share this post on your story or page to help others create the habit of meditation too.

5) Post your bubble chart to your story and share about your meditation challenge experience along the way with the hashtag #MyMeditationChallenge and tag me @morgan_yonge!

May this meditation challenge bring you love, light, and peace!


Morgan Yonge🌻


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